Blues and Purples.

So this one is the prettiest of the colors, but certainly one of the hardest for me to consume. I've never been a huge fruit person. Maybe it has something to do with the textures, I'm not really sure. You'd think it'd be my go to thing since I have quite the sweet tooth, but I've always preferred my veggies instead. Since I've started juicing and making a conscience effort to drink smoothies nowadays though, I'm getting more and more of this beauty!

Benefits: These two colors contain resveratrol, proanthocyanidins and anthocyanidins. These help with digestion, ramping up your immune system, reducing tumor growth and your risk of some cancers, lowering LDL cholesterol levels, helping with inflammation.

Fruits: Blackberries, Blueberries, Plums, Purple Figs, Purple Grapes (and Raisins) and Prunes.

Vegetables: Purple Asparagus, Purple Cabbage, Purple Carrots, Purple Cauliflower, Egg Plant, Purple Endive and Purple Fleshed Potatoes.

Have you ever seen purple asparagus or cauliflower?

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