The Beginning.

So for those of you that know me -- you know that I made some pretty drastic lifestyle changes overnight. For those of you that don't, here's a little background story.

I ran into a friend that I hadn't seen for a couple months and he looked great. Well, great maybe isn't the word I would use really, he looked frickin' fantastic. Yeah, that seems a little more appropriate. (before) You'd never have thought him 'overweight' by today's standards, but he definitely didn't have a healthy body type even though he biked 10+ miles a day. He looked much older than he should thanks to various meds, smoking and drinking. (now) He's whittled off 50 pounds over the last year. His face has this incredible glow about it. If I was a bartender, I'd seriously card him for alcohol and then still think it was a fake ID. Again, simply amazing! And that's just the outside shell. He's lowered his cholesterol from heart attack status to healthy again and his blood pressure is way down. 

So I thought for sure there was some gimmick to this -- some crash diet he was doing, miracle pills he was taking, new workout plan, something. I was pleasantly surprised to hear what that 'something' was though. Juicing. Plain and simple. He encouraged me to watch two documentaries on Netflix and that night I sat down to watch them and my mindset on eating changed, quite literally, overnight.

"Forks Over Knives" and 
"Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead"

Just want to make sure you guys got those loud and clear! It's not just about juicing though. It's a mindset. A lifestyle change. A desire to be healthy. I'm not pushing for everyone to stop eating meat and become vegan/vegetarian. You have to do what makes you comfortable, but at the same time, you get out what you put into it. Once you've watched both these documentaries (with an open mind), you'll actually WANT to make changes on some level. 

I personally chose a high level of commitment. And that's where this blog is stemmed from. I wanted to share my experiences good and bad. My daily struggles and triumphs. My goals and insight. I'm no expert and I have no health/nutrition background professionally, but I have a hunger to learn and a desire to treat my body better. 

I'm hoping that 'the Nashville juice' can be a source of knowledge, give encouragement and support to many and overall, help open some people's eyes to a healthier life.

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