Day Six.

So last night was in fact a doozy and it was my own fault. I ended up not going to bed till late and just drank water all night to curb my hunger. Once I finally laid down though, my stomach started growling so hard that I almost couldn't fall asleep. Won't be doing that to myself again! Woke up this morning very excited that I had started to lose wait again. Hopefully it continues to 'melt off'.

Scale: 131

AM: 2 GS Apples, 1 Orange, 1 Lemon, 7 Carrots, 1 Parsnip, 1 Zucchini, and a good size chunk of Red Cabbage (cut in half for picture and staked on top of each other). A tad bit spicy, but very pleasant tasting for a morning juice.

Lunch: So I flaked and didn't take a picture of my ingredients this time -- 2 GS Apples, 1 Pear, 1 Lemon, 4 Carrots, 1 Zucchini, chunk of Red Cabbage, mini Cucumber, 1 Celery and the last of the Rainbow Chard. Again, I'm not big on the greens in my juices, so this was a little rough for me to get down. I wish I could just muster up the gut to drink the green ones more, but I just can't do it presently. 

So I'm contemplating 'breaking the fast' and incorporating some roughage into my diet. I don't have any problem drinking the heavily fruit based juices, but I'm missing out on my veggies and the extra fiber that comes with raw foods. I know that having BM's is also the fastest way to shed pounds. 

Dinner: Big ole bowl of barely steamed broccoli (nothing added) and an avocado. I can't tell you how great it feels to have something hot in my stomach. I ate slowly since I haven't had anything solid in a week and got full a lot faster than I thought I would. Saved the rest of the broccoli for a snack tomorrow. It's important to note that the longer you cook your vegetables, the more nutrients you're losing from the heat. Best way to tell if they're still packed with goodness is by the crunch. No crunch, no good. Granted, it might still taste good, but it's not as good for you. 

My new focus is to juice my fruits and eat my veggies for the remainder of the 10 days. I'm hoping that this will get me over the hump with my digestion issues. My end weight goal is 120lbs and I'm determined to get there thru my diet choices and then start a membership at the downtown Y and tone up from there. 

Any advice on my new strategy?

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